torsdag den 10. januar 2013

Kiss my soft skin

Clinique facial soap 

Matas natur skintonic 

Elf zit zapper 

Garnier pureA moisturizer 
As you can see from the pictures, there´s a lot of skincare products. These are the ones that I use on a daily bases. I have been gifted with clear skin (thanks mom) but I still like to take care of it. I have always liked to spend money on skincare because I think it´s really important, if you want your makeup to look better.
So some of these products might be a little pricey, but these are the products that work for me.

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2 kommentarer:

  1. Håber du er glad for din zit zapper :)
    Må jeg ikke foreslå dig at melde dig ind i vores Beauty Club.
    Så sørger jeg for du får point for indlægget :)

    e.l.f. Cosmetics

    1. Jeg er rigtig glad for den!
      Jeg har meldt mig ind, så tusind tak! :)
