lørdag den 27. april 2013

Can you come a little closer?

Did this Polyvore earlier. It is inspired by the singer Tegan Quin, who I am obsessed with at the moment! I love the music by Tegan and Sara, especially the song "Closer". 
This Polyvore shows an everyday outfit, and it actually contains the t-shirt that I´m planning on buying this wednesday. It is from weekday and I am absolutely in love with it!
The rest just shows what I would wear with it, and what I would have in my bag.

You can listen to the song here

Have a nice weekend guys!

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onsdag den 24. april 2013

Vlog: 12th April

So, I am finally uploading this! I went to a party a couple of weeks ago, and this is what happened...
Excuse the silly and possibly akward moments. 
We were maybe just a tad drunk...

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She´s alive

Finally back guys! And I have started a youtube channel! Follow me here

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mandag den 8. april 2013

An obsession of mine

 I have always had an obession with tattoos, but in the last year my obsession has become bigger.
So I thought I would show you those 3 tattoos, I´m planning on getting when I turn 18.

The first one is the outline of a bird. Now the reason why I want this, is because to me it means being free and being able to travel where ever I want. Like a bird. And then I think the tattoo is freaking cute!

The two other ones, I´m planning on getting on my wrists like in the picture. The first one is the outline of a heart. This doesn´t mean anything personal to me, I just always wanted a heart on my wrist. The same thing with the infinity tattoo. I just think it´s an awesome thing to get as a tattoo. 

And these are simple and easy to hide, if that´s what I want. They are minimalistic and simple, and I really like that. I can kind of see a theme? Hm?? 

Hope you enjoyed blogpost!

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Where did she go?

I´m sorry for the lack of blogpost´s the last couple of weeks. I´ve been going through some rough weeks full of illness, homework and stress.
But now I´m back, 100% ready to blog for you guys again!
Got a lot of ideas in the making!

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